1 thought on “Why is Shenzhen Shuibei Gold Cheap”

  1. The gold price of water shellfish is cheap because of the following points:
    . The gold price of water shellfish is naked gold price. Without added value, it can be the same as the international price of the day.
    . The price of Chow Tai Fook attached various costs such as store rent, labor, brand premium, profit, logistics and other costs, so it is expensive.
    . The gold price of water shellfish is the source of the source manufacturer. It takes the wholesale micro -profit route. Many of Chow Tai Fook and others are purchased from Shuibei.
    80%of the golden jewelry sold by domestic gold shops is wholesale from Shuibei wholesale, including Hong Kong and picking up goods. It can be said that this is the source of gold, and the gold jewelry here is It can be obtained by adding a little working fee at the international gold price. Whether it is ancient gold, 3D gold, etc., the work expenses are different.
    not as brand gold, as well as brand premiums and rental labor costs. So water shell gold is cheaper.

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