5 thoughts on “Which university has jewelry appraisal majors”

  1. You can go to the CGC, that is, the national registered jewelery and jade stone inspector, such as GIC and FGA. The school has written and self -performed by the school. Just pay the money. The exam is more intuitive than the first exam. You can't go now. The GIC test is only about to register for the school. The general cost of social candidates is about 9,000 yuan, and the school students are only 4,550 yuan in school students. FGA spends 30,000 yuan. Spend so much money for sales, is it worth it? Intersection Intersection After graduating from college jewelry graduates, they basically do sales. Being able to enter the quality inspection bureaus or school business agencies must rely on the family's political and economic background. The following is a list of schools that set up jewelery -related majors or open jewelry training courses in China:

    Thenone of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Jewelry College

    News of China University of Geosciences

    The Beijing Jewelry Jewelry Training College

    The Ministry of Science and Technology of Beijing Urban Academy
    n Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts

    Fuzhou Yuda Middle Vocational School

    Mujian Fuzhou Zhongyi Jewelry Jewelry Vocational Skills Training School

    Zhongshan University

    R n
    The jewelry college of Guangzhou Hualian University

    Jieyang Vocational and Technical College

    College of Engineering

    It Hainan Vocational and Technical College Jewelry Major

    The Vocational and Technical College of Shijiazhuang School of Economics
    n Shijiazhuang School of Economics n
    Shijiazhuangzhuang Municipal Jewelry and Jade School

    The jewelry majors at Henan University of Technology

    Changchun University of Engineering

    School of Science and Technology

    Qingdao Vocational and Technical College (Qingdao 20 Middle School)

    Shanxi Tourism Vocational College
    n n
    The Shaanxi International Trade Institute

    The Shanghai Far East Jewelery College (PCEC)

    Start Ji University Jewelry (Tongji University Hubei Campus-Application Art Design) (Shanghai Tongji University Gem Education Center)

    Shangqiao College of Shanghai-Art Design Department

    Shanghai Arts and Crafts Vocational College

    Shanghai Arts and Crafts School

    The Shanghai Grand Education

    Shang Shanghai Information Technology School

    East China University of Technology
    n n
    Suga college

    The School of Visual Arts at Shanghai Fudan University

    Shenzhen Technician College (Shenzhen Senior Technical School)

    Shenzhen Blun Vocational and Technical School Jewelry Major

    Ird Shenzhen Vocational and Technical College Jewelry Design Major

    Shenzhen Gao The jewelry department of the Vocational and Technical College

    The Panyu Vocational and Technical College

    Shenzhen University


    It Tianjin Business School jewelry major

    Tianjin Business School (North Academy)

    Kunming University of Science and Technology

    Yunnan Vocational College of Land and Resources

    Chongqing City Management Vocational College

    n Asian Jewelry College

    The Hong Kong Jewelry College

    Nanjing University

    Yangzhou Jianghai College

    There are many, mainly graduates of Dazhong Jewelry. This kind of career looks outstanding and good figure. It is best to have the face of angels, the body of the devil to match the noble gem. Some students with a flat appearance and poor temperament like the jewelry college will change careers.

  2. Shanghai Information Technology School of Chemical Engineering Jewelery, although it is a technical secondary school, he is more than all in the university. I graduate from here that I can basically be exempted from the universities with jewelry courses.

  3. I am a college student. I studied jewelry identification in Taiyuan, Shanxi. The Shanxi Tourism Vocational College has this major. I study at this school, but the Jewelry Institute of China University of Geosciences is the most authoritative.

  4. The best of China University of Geosciences. In addition, there is a clear division of archeology, jewelry appraisal, historical majors, and geological universities. It may contain a course of appraisal in history, but it is not a professional jewelry identification. You can also borrow from others to see last year, where can there be the answer you want.

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