4 thoughts on “Tips to brighten gold”

  1. You can skillfully use the toothpaste at home, squeeze the toothpaste on the gold, and carefully clean it with a small soft brush. Try not to use high temperature and strong pressure to avoid damaging the gold. After wearing, the gold jewelry often loses its luster due to the infection of dirt and dust. At this time, just put the gold jewelry in a neutral detergent, soak it in warm water and clean it, and then take it out and dry it. Squeeze the toothpaste on the toothbrush, then gently wipe the gold jewelry with the toothbrush, and then clean it with water

    tips for brightening gold
    to make the gold brighter, you can apply nail polish on the surface of the gold jewelry, use toilet water to scrub the gold jewelry, or put the gold jewelry in a mixture of vinegar and salt. These methods can improve the luster of the gold. Gold is a precious metal. It can not only be used to make jewelry, but also has a certain monetary value. Therefore, wearing gold jewelry has become a symbol of identity. However, after wearing gold for a long time, it will become dirty. We can use the following methods to make the luster of gold lasting and shining

    1. Apply a layer of nail polish on the surface of gold jewelry, which can not only protect the gold, but also make the jewelry more shiny. Pay attention to using high-quality nail polish. After all, gold is expensive, and if you use nail polish of three or five yuan, it cannot match it

    2. Drop a few drops of toilet water on a soft cloth, and then wipe the surface of the gold ornaments. This not only cleans the dirt, but also makes the gold brighter

    3. Find a small container, add vinegar and salt, stir evenly, then put the gold in the container, soak for several minutes, then take it out, rinse it with water, and finally dry it with a soft cloth. The solution of vinegar and salt is neutral and will not damage gold

    how to make gold jewelry bright
    gold is soft in nature, strong in ductility, and not easy to be corroded. As gold is a precious metal, silver, copper or iron are often mixed in general gold products, which can make gold hard, change the color of gold or reduce its high price. Gold products are rarely infringed by external factors. However, all mechanical damage is very dangerous, and the lightest impact can cause distortion, crumple, scratch and damage the gloss of the surface if it is lightly brushed with a rough cloth. The house where gold jewelry is kept must be kept dry and free of dust and air pollutants. The temperature is 18-24 ℃, and the relative humidity is 40% - 50%. If conditions permit, the gold jewelry shall be packed in a box with brocade cover and cotton pad, and the pieces shall not collide with each other. Gold products shall not be stored with other metal products. To remove the dust with a soft brush, wipe it with a soft antelope skin. If cleaning is necessary, it can be carried out with ether, gasoline (benzene), neutral soap foam or ammonia (10% concentration), and then washed and dried with distilled water. It is not allowed to wipe with any coating or not very soft antelope skin.

  2. If you want to restore the luster of gold, please take a look at the three tips compiled by Xiaobian
    1. Toilet water is actually a good thing to clean gold. You can dip some toilet water and wipe gold jewelry. Or add some warm water with detergent, wipe the gold with a fine toothbrush, soak it for 15 minutes, and then carefully wipe it with a soft cloth
    2. If there is a black silver film on the surface of the gold jewelry, use 2G of salt, 7g of baking soda, 8g of bleaching powder and 60ml of water to prepare a "gold cleaner". Put the gold jewelry in a bowl and pour the cleaner into it. After 2 hours, take out the gold jewelry, rinse it with water (preferably not hard water), bury it in wood chips and dry it, and then wipe it with a soft cloth

    3. You can also mix salt and vinegar into a detergent, which can be used to wipe jewelry and restore its luster. If it is a stubborn stain, you can soak the jewelry in water for about 10 to 30 minutes, and then gently brush it with a soft brush

    in this way, the gold will be cleaned. Does it feel new

  3. 1. Dust removal: to clean the dust and scale of gold jewelry, the simplest method is to use a soft brush dipped in hot water, and it is best to use a degreasing cotton ball dipped in soapy water and anhydrous alcohol for scrubbing. However, it is not allowed to use abrasive particles (such as toothpaste, polishing paste, fine abrasive paper or fine abrasive cloth) for scrubbing to avoid reducing the weight of gold and causing losses. 2. Washing of gold jewelry when washing gold jewelry, first put the gold jewelry into the container, then add water to the container, and then add a small amount of ammonia, then close the mouth, shake it back and forth, and then take it out to dry. When wearing gold jewelry, the buckle switch should also be maintained, and a little sewing oil should be dripped to the switch regularly to prevent the micro spring in the switch from rusting. 3. Removal of white spots on gold jewelry: some cosmetics on the market contain trace mercury (mercury), such as phenyl hydroxy mercury and mercury dichloride in the freckle cream, and the gold jewelry will appear white spots or turn white after contact. At this time, do not use a knife or sandpaper to polish. As long as the jewelry with white spots or whitening is baked in the fire, and then wiped with a soft cloth, the gold jewelry will restore its original luster.

  4. Jewelry is the heart and soul of women. How can we make our gold necklaces and rings shine like before

    method 1: in order to make your gold necklace so bright forever, you can try to apply a thin layer of armor oil on it

    method 2: soak your gold jewelry in a detergent, preferably a neutral detergent. Soak it before going to bed at night. When you get up in the morning, brush it with a small soft brush. Try to see the effect

    method 3: select a toothpaste with bright white effect, squeeze it on a soft brush, and then gently clean your gold jewelry. Or use the boiled rice soup, the thick one, to wipe the gold jewelry, which can also restore the luster

    method 4: gold jewelry will turn white if it touches mercury. At this time, you can bake your gold jewelry on a simple alcohol lamp. If you wear gold and platinum together, it is likely that the gold will turn white. At this time, you can find a piece of coarse cloth and rub it until your gold jewelry is bright again.

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