The meaning of the girl ring wearing method

Which finger should a girl get on the ring sent by her boyfriend? Seeking the meaning of girl ring to wear!

5 thoughts on “The meaning of the girl ring wearing method”

  1. You can wear it on the right hand.
    If is distinguished by love, you can:
    (1) Right -handed little finger: Do not fall in love.
    (2) Right -right ring finger: Love in love.
    (3) The right hand of the right hand: Famous flowers have the master.
    (4) Right index finger: single noble.
    do not wear it on the left hand, because it has other meanings on the left hand,
    (1) Left -handed little finger: unmarried family.
    (2) Left -handed ring finger: Marriage.
    (3) Left hand middle finger: engagement.
    (4) Left -handed index finger: Unmarried
    The thumbs are all meaning of power, and you can also mean self -confidence. According to my country's habits, the engagement ring is generally worn on the middle finger of the left hand. The wedding ring is worn on the left hand. The unmarried girl should wear the middle finger or ring finger of the right hand.
    The expansion data
    The ring is a decoration worn on the finger, and anyone can wear it. The custom of wearing a ring has a long history, and different places have different representative meanings for different ways of wearing. Materials can be metal, gems, plastic, wood or bone.
    European women began to wear rings in the 14th century. It is also said on which finger to wear the ring on. It is generally worn on the index finger to indicate single; wearing on the middle finger represents is in love; wearing on the ring finger represents is engaged or married; It is also worth our attention that the ring should be worn on the left hand.
    The first person in the world to treat the ring as an engagement token is the King of the Austrian King Mermini. In 1477, Mermini met Mary's princess. Mermumini dumped her beautiful appearance and elegance. Mary had long been married at the French crown prince at the time, but he still did not give up. In order to win Mary's love, Mermumini ordered people to create a precious diamond ring for Mary.
    Mary's warm pursuit of this fine carved, sparkling diamond ring and McMimini finally changed his original intention to marry Mermumini. Since then, the diamond ring has become the engagement token of Westerners. However, in ancient Rome, the ring was used for seal, symbolizing rights.
    Reference information Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Ring

  2. It can be worn on the right hand, but it is generally not worn on the thumb
    The distinguish between whether to love, you can:
    The right -handed little finger: do not fall in love.
    The right hand ring finger: love in love.
    The right hand middle finger: The famous flower has the master.
    Pef index finger: single noble.
    do not wear it on the left hand, because it is meaningful to wear on the left hand,
    left hand little finger: unmarried family.
    The left hand ring finger: Marriage.
    The left hand middle finger: engagement.
    Pefing index finger: Unmarried
    The thumbs are all meaning of power, and you can also mean self -confidence.
    In the habit of my country
    The engagement ring is generally worn on the middle finger of the left hand,
    New wedding rings are worn on the left hand of the left hand;
    I unmarried girls should be worn on the middle or ring finger of the right hand.
    The expansion information:
    The ring is a decoration worn on the finger, and anyone can wear it. The custom of wearing a ring has a long history, and different places have different representative meanings for different ways of wearing. Materials can be metal, gems, plastic, wood or bone.
    The ring is a decorative jewelry worn on the fingers. The ring can be worn by women and men, and the materials can be metal, gem, plastic, wood or bone. In history, the ring is considered a token of love. The ring on the left -handed ring finger is considered a wedding ring.
    The country and region that the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger on the right hand is getting less and less. It is considered to be on the left index finger in many areas, and the middle finger indicates that in love, the little finger said that we are not in love or single for life. In ancient Rome, the ring was a seal and a symbol of rights.

  3. I do diamond ring wedding ring: girls receive the ring sent by their boyfriend, indicating that they are in a state of love, and the ring is more suitable for wearing in the middle finger.
    The traditional domestic ring wearing method:
    left hand little finger —
    Left -handed ring finger -marriage
    n The right -handed little finger — do not fall in love
    right hand ring finger
    right hand middle finger — the famous flower has the main
    right hand index finger — single nobles
    women's ring wearing method: 1. Women's ring finger wearing a ring
    The ring finger is the finger between the middle and the little finger. It is the least flexible finger. Usually, people will wear the wedding ring on the left hand ring finger, indicating "marriage".
    There is another saying that wedding ring is a blood vessels that lead to the heart on the ring finger, which can connect the wedding ring to the heart.
    It, there is a widely popular finger game: the thumbs of the hands indicate the parents, the index finger indicates the brothers and sisters, the middle finger represents himself, the ring finger indicates the spouse, and the little finger means the child. Bend the middle finger of both hands and bend the second knuckle, and then touch the fingertips of the other four groups of fingers. This is what you will find, indicating that the parents' thumbs can be separated, indicating that the index finger of brothers and sisters can also be separated, indicating that the child's little finger can be separated. Only this pair indicates that the unknown finger of the husband and wife cannot be separated. Therefore, people wear wedding rings on the ring finger to express the meaning of not being separated for a lifetime.
    Although women's wedding rings are usually worn on the left hand ring finger, they still do not rule out the saying that there are "men's left and women", so the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger.
    2. Women's middle finger wearing rings
    Women's middle finger wearing rings, which means that "famous flowers have the Lord" meaning, so usually women are successfully proposed or already engaged, and they will wear the ring on the middle finger. Under normal circumstances, we wear on the middle finger of the left hand.
    3, women's index finger wearing rings
    Pei index fingers are the most flexible fingers of the five fingers. In addition, the index finger -wearing rings are the body of women's independence and personality.
    4. Women's little fingers wear rings
    This to wear rings to widow dolls or do not want to fall in love. The ring worn by the little finger is also called the tail ring. In addition to indicating that the Feng Shui can prevent leakage. For aesthetic consideration, many women do not wear the ring on the little finger.
    5. Women's thumb wearing rings
    This wearing rings is extremely rare. Not only does it have no aesthetics, it also affects doing things. In ancient times, the emperor often wore a ring on the thumb, which was a symbol of rights and respect.

  4. The left hand represents "marriage" and the right hand represents "love".

    This rings are worn on the left hand or right hand, which is different. Therefore, the engagement ring is generally worn in the middle finger of the left hand, and the wedding ring is worn on the left hand. Unmarried men should wear the middle finger or ring finger on their right.
    The method and significance of the specific boys rings are as follows:
    Pecent: Left-handed-unmarried (already lovers, planning to get married); right hand-single (not in love)
    Middle finger: left hand-engagement (engagement (engagement (engagement (engagement (engagement (engagement (engagement Famous flowers have the Lord, have been engaged); right hand-love (belonging to the heart)
    ring finger: left hand-new wedding (ending love, marriage is already married); Left-handed-unmarried (divorce/widowed/unmarried family); right hand-single (single)
    women wearing rings more to show their identity and emotional state. For women, the ring is worn on the left hand representative representative With loyalty and love for lover, wearing in the right hand represents the blessing of yourself.
    1. Thumb to wear a ring: Women wear the ring on the thumb, but sometimes you can see such a method. I like to wear a ring on the thumb, which means that she is a very confident person, and the thumb wearing a ring can also bring good luck to herself. For women with heavy careers, the thumb wearing ring can make you succeed faster. Essence
    2. Fingerprints wear ring: Women who like to wear the ring on the index finger are usually in the love period, and their personality is lively, self -advocating freedom, enjoying life, and a keen fashion taste.
    3, middle finger wearing ring: women with middle finger wearing rings are usually engaged, and this finger wearing ring indicates that women want a stable life.
    4, ring finger wearing rings: Legend, the ring finger is connected to the heart, the position of the ring finger is very sacred. , Lifetime together.
    5, the little thumb wearing ring: The woman with the little thumb wearing a ring comes with a mysterious aura. This finger wearing a ring can add special charm and independent aura to women, making them particularly charming.

  5. 1. The specific method and significance of the ring are as follows:
    This left index finger: Unmarried right index finger: Single aristocracy

    The left hand of the left hand: engagement right hand middle finger: famous flowers n left hand ring finger: Wedding right -handed ring finger: In love
    Left -handed little finger: Don’t marry right -handed little finger: Don’t fall in love
    The thumbs are the meaning of power, and you can also mean confidence.
    2, a girl who received the ring sent by her boyfriend if she had not been engaged with him yet, it should bring the middle finger. The middle finger represents the love in the love, but the ring finger represents the marriage, the little finger represents the single, the index finger represents the single for the single
    expansion expand Data
    . The method of wearing and meaning memory of the ring:
    Is to memory the meaning of the finger wearing the ring, with both hands together, from the right to the left (the right hand index starts, the left hand ends), the meaning is in order :
    [Unmarried] → [engagement] → [Newlywed] → [Unmarried] → [Cereal] → [Love] → [Single]
    Other wearing and significance of the ring:
    is also a ring. When you wear it, no matter where you wear it, you don't have any significance. This ring is a general flower ring. This ring is a decorative role that can be worn on any finger you want to wear.
    The freshest method is to wear the ring on the little finger. A small, simple tail ring makes women's hands inexplicably cute. Generally, I just want to be single. "Please don't waste time to pursue me".
    . The psychological meaning of the ring wearing method:
    The ring is worn on different fingers, which can reflect the psychological meaning related to personality.
    The people who are worn on the index finger, are independent, confident, and stubborn.
    The people who like to wear on the right, psychological balance, objective attitude, and advocate the concept of the golden mean.
    The people who are wearing in the ring finger, sexy and gentle, easy -going, no gains and losses.
    It those who are worn on small fingers, more literary and personality.
    . Precautions for wearing a ring:
    1. The ring suitable for different fingers
    The ring worn on the index finger requires a three -dimensional shape.
    The ring worn on the middle finger requires a sense of atmosphere and a sense of weight, which can give people a more formal and positive feeling.
    The ring on the ring finger is suitable for orthodox style.
    The ring worn on the little finger is suitable for cute and beautiful shapes, because the little finger gives a feminine feeling.
    2, the ring suitable for different hand types
    The fingers are slender, suitable for wide ring and volume rings
    The obese hand is suitable for wearing a spiral shape, which can make the fingers slightly slender.
    The short -thick hand can choose a rings of streamlined shape.

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