Seeking relevant information about gold jewelry, thank you

I want to find the detailed information of gold and other jewelry, such as models, golden degrees, crafts, etc. Thank you

5 thoughts on “Seeking relevant information about gold jewelry, thank you”

  1. Copper jewelry is yellow with red, fake, darker, soft in texture, and light weight. Copper alloy jewelry (copper tin alloy), white color, hard and light quality, long -term coloring, will make the skin darker.
    Whether it is gold -plated jewelry, gold jewelry, or copper jewelry, and Asian gold jewelry, it is generally not printed with gold jewelry. Or it is different from gold jewelry. If some jewelry is engraved with the English letters "GK", it means GK "gold plating". Or the signature traces are blurred and crooked. Consumers should identify whether there are printing, printing whether the printing is in compliance with the above provisions, and whether the printing is clear, etc. to determine the authenticity of gold jewelry.
    The gold jewelry has many appraisal methods. The Chinese folk summarizes a set of simple methods. The formula is: look at color, 掂 weight, listening rhyme, folding hardness, stone grinding, contrast cards, acid dots, and color. The first four sentences depends on the eyes and the feeling; the latter four sentences need to be used by tools and reagents.
    . Seeing color
    Ben according to the different gloss and color of gold, you can generally distinguish pure gold, K gold, real gold, fake gold. That is, gold is better yellow yellow, and the color is above K95 %; the positive yellow color is about 80 %; the blue and yellow color is about 70 %; the yellow color is slightly gray and the color is about 50 %. Therefore, there is a formula for "seven greens, eight yellow, nine five red, and yellow leucorrhea ash. For jewelry from Jiu Tibet, there will be a saying that "copper turns green, silver turns black, and gold will never change color".
    . View density
    The density of gold is 19.32 grams / cubic centimeter, which is about double the same volume of silver, lead, and tin. Available formula: The mass of the gold jewelry (gram () is compared to the volume of a certain gold jewelry () (cubic centimeter () () is equal to density. The density of the gold jewelry measured is () () 19.32 grams / A cubic centimeter is pure gold or more pure gold, otherwise it is a non -pure gold or color difference gold (this method has no destructiveness to the jewelry () 3. Folding hardness
    The characteristics of small hardness can be pressed into a thin piece with a thickness of 12.7 microns. When the color is high, you can leave traces with large head needles or nails. Wrinkles, also called fish scales; gold jewelry of about 95 %, feel hard when bending, and the fish scales are not obvious; about 90 % of the golden jewelry, it is very hard when bent Gold jewelry, bend twice or three times to break; if it is made for raw gold, the bend is broken, and the section has obvious sand granules. When using this method, the width and thickness of the jewelry should be considered. Soft ones are narrow.
    . Listening to the rhyme, watching elasticity
    When the golden jewelry with high color color is hit or throwing it hard, it emits a dull sound of "daedy, daed", and There is no sound rhyme, no elasticity, K gold has sound rhyme, sound, elasticity, the greater the elasticity, the more the rhyme, the more old, the worse the color. Using the gold -pairing card (the gold medal () that has been determined () and the first jewelery of the subjects on the test gold stone, through the contrast color, the gold jewelry is determined. This method should be carried out under natural light and solar lights. Perform it. ()
    . Use acid dot

    Man the golden road of the appraisal jewelry and cards on the test stone, and use a glass stick to test the nitric acid on the gold road. Elemental chemistry is stable and does not respond to acidic reactions, so the color remains unchanged. If it is not gold or non -pure gold, the golden road disappears or changes. Slowness of disappearance; mixed gold disappear quickly, clear gold disappears slowly; big mixed gold disappears quickly, and small mixed gold disappears slowly. Just as the golden road disappears, it can be determined that the gold jewelry can be determined.

  2. How much do you know about the most common knowledge of gold? Introduction to the origin of gold is one of the earliest metals discovered and used. Humans had identified gold as early as the Neolithic Age (about 10,000 to 4000 years ago). In the middle of the middle of the Shang Dynasty (14th to 13th centuries BC), China has mastered the skills of making gold wares. Yin Shang cultural relics unearthed in Anyang and other places in Henan have gold foil. "Zhou Li · Di Guan" said: 卝 (sound mine) people are in charge of Jinyuxi. This is the earliest record of ancient literature on mining and metallurgical. According to legend, with the development of business during the Warring States Period, gold has become a currency of the pass, and the needs of the luxurious life decoration of the feudal ruling class will increase. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the "Tube · Land number" articles entrusted by Qi Xiangzhong had "there are Dan sand, gold with gold on the bottom; there are magnets, and copper."
    gold is also known as gold, English GOLD, chemical symbol AU, atomic order 79, it is an orange -yellow metal substance. In nature, gold exists in a single form.
    1. Features
    The density is very large. The density is often pressed. The density of gold is 19.32 grams / cubic centimeter, which is nearly 20 times the water and more than 3 times the iron.
    The melting point and boiling point are very high, the melting point is 1064.43 ° C, and the boiling point is 2808 ° C. As the saying goes: "Real gold is not afraid of fire."
    Mo's hardness is 2.5, which is comparable to human nail hardness.
    The toughness and ductility. One gram of pure gold can be pulled into a filament of more than 3000 meters, and it can also be forged into a 9 -square -meter gold foil.
    The stability is high, and the corrosion resistance capacity is extremely strong. Except for the king's water, it is insoluble in other acid -base solutions. The golden funerals unearthed in ancient tombs, although thousands of years of storms, are still colorful as new.
    . The method of expressing the color of gold
    The goldenness of gold is the purity of gold, which refers to the content of the golden element in the golden items. There are two types of popular golden colors:
    K gold method:
    is to call the gold with 100%gold content of 24K gold (LK = 4.1666%), and the gold content of 18K gold is 75%. The gold content of 14K gold is 50%, and the gold content of 9K gold is 37.5%.
    The proportion method:
    is expressed in a percentage and thousands of points. For example, AU99.95 is gold with gold content of 99.95%, and AU999.5 is gold with a gold content of 999.5 ‰.
    . The unit of gold
    1, the golden balance ode in Europe and the United States.
    1 Gold Hengsheng = 31.103495 grams
    2, Hong Kong, Japan, and ancient China.
    1 Sima Two = 37.42849791 grams
    1 Japan Two = 3.75 grams
    1 pounds in the city = 16 small two = 500 grams, 1 two = 31.25 grams
    3, municipal measurement unit. Now the gram of Shanghai Gold is a unit.
    1 market = 10 two = 500 grams
    4, To
    1 Tollas such as New Delhi, Karachi, Mumbai, South Asia, and Mumbai = 11.6638 grams
    . N1, London Gold Market, founded in 1919 and is the world's largest spot trading center. There is no fixed exchange in the London gold market, and its transactions are mainly completed through the invisible way -the sales liaison network of major gold merchants. The transaction members are composed of their authoritative five gold merchants and some companies are recognized as companies or business names that are qualified to buy gold from the five major gold merchants. During the transaction, the gold merchants reported the purchase price and selling price based on their respective buying and buying. The five major gold merchants in the London Gold Market are:
    1) Luo Fuqi
    2) Jinbaoli
    3) Wandaqi
    4) Wancarta
    5) The London Gold Market is issued two fixed prices every morning (7:30) and afternoon (3:00). The price of these two fixed markets is an important indicator price for the global gold market.
    2, the US Gold Market
    The New York Commodity Exchange (COMEX) and the Chicago Model Exchange (IMM) is the world's largest gold futures trading center, the world's largest gold futures trading center, which Gold futures transactions are the most active and largest market. Taking COMEX as an example, the daily transaction deposit of 30,000 contracts. COMEX's gold price is an important reference for gold spot prices around the world.
    3, Shanghai Gold Exchange, was established on October 30, 2002. It is an important symbol of China's gold management system reform, gold marketization, and the end of the national unified purchase system.
    The first batch of members of the Shanghai Gold Exchange was scattered in 26 provinces and cities and autonomous regions in the country; of which 13 commercial banks, 31 gold and smelting units, 61 gold units, and 3 mint units. The transaction time is from 10:00 to 11:30 am from Monday to Friday (except legal holidays), 13:30 to 15:30 pm. The transaction method adopts a member system. The minimum transaction volume is 1 kg, and the transaction volume must be an integer multiple of 1 kg.
    Due to the restrictions on the trading rules of the Shanghai Gold Exchange, ordinary natural person investment consumers cannot directly participate in the gold trading of the Shanghai Gold Exchange. Small specifications (more than 10g) gold investment consumption varieties set up bridges for natural persons to participate in gold trading. What I know is that I hope to help you make your own research

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