2 thoughts on “Is the gold price of Lao Fengxiang a national unified price?”

  1. No, although the same brand, in different places, the price may be different. The price of gold is actually based on the price of the golden market plus the operating cost of some stores. The operating costs of gold shops at different locations are also different. Therefore, the price of stores in different locations is different. But in general, the price difference is not particularly large. In fact, Lao Fengxiang has a guidance price, but the price of each physical store in each place is still different.
    Mo Fengxiang is a century -old national brand. It was founded in 1848 and has a history of more than 170 years. It is currently a leading company in gold.

  2. This is different. In different cities, different stores, gold prices are different. But this difference is not much, floating in a certain range. You can buy consumption with a lower price.

    The expansion information: Lao Fengxiang, listed company, China's Fortune 500 companies, is a century -old national brand, a famous jewelry brand in China. Shanghai Laofengxiang Co., Ltd. comes from the development of Lao Fengxiang Yinlou, which was founded in 1848. The creativity of its trademark "Lao Fengxiang" also stems from the name of Lao Fengxiang Yinlou. It is a classic jewelry brand that crosses China for three centuries.
    Lao Fengxiang, who has founded in 1848, has gone through more than 170 spring and autumn, and is the century brand of Chinese jewelry industry. Shanghai Laofengxiang Co., Ltd. comes from the development of Lao Fengxiang Yinlou, which was founded in 1848. The creativity of its trademark "Lao Fengxiang" also stems from the name of Lao Fengxiang Yinlou. Lao Fengxiang Company has developed into one of Jixing Industry and Trade. It has more than 20 subsidiaries including Lao Fengxiang Yinlou Co., Ltd., Lao Fengxiang Jewelry Research Institute Co., Ltd., Lao Fengxiang Jewelry and Jewelry Co., Ltd., Lao Fengxiang Diamond Processing Center Co., Ltd. Four professional branches of gift factories and profile factories, as well as more than 60 chain silver buildings, more than 300 specialty stores, and more than 1,000 dealers' large jewelry company groups. In August 2016, Lao Fengxiang ranked 365th among the top 500 Chinese enterprises in 2016. On December 18, 2019, the 100 list of the "Chinese Brand Development Index" of the People's Daily ranked 87th.
    R N Shanghai is the birthplace of China's modern silver building industry. The predecessor of Shanghai Laofengxiang Yinlou, "Fengxiang Yushi Yinlou" in 1848 (28th year of Qingdao). In 1908 (34 years of Guangxu) Road 432), this former site is the current Lao Fengxiang head store.
    brand development overview
    In recent years, Lao Fengxiang Company has worked hard to promote the integration of resource integration and system. The brand strategic development guidelines that are "based on excellence, strengthening as the fundamental, and bigger goal", strive to promote the development of marketing networks, actively adjust the product structure with market consumption changes, continuously expand the brand's publicity, and hold a variety of promotion to promotion Activities make the "Lao Fengxiang" brand household name in Shanghai, enjoy the market in East China, among the top of the nation's jewelry industry, and achieve the rapid development of enterprise operating performance.
    development goals
    A banner.
    The main forces of Chinese tourist souvenirs
    The first brand of Chinese jewelry industry
    : Lao Fengxiang) "

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