Is it better to fight jujube or peach wood?

I want to buy a key ring of Feduka Ping An (also known as Connect Changle), but I do n’t know if it is a lightning strike or a peach wood. Please give some suggestions for experienced people, thank you ~~~

5 thoughts on “Is it better to fight jujube or peach wood?”

  1. The east to the peach branch is the top grade, and the lightning strike jujube is the second.
    It is that wild peach wood is actually more suitable for the appliance than lightning jujube. Personally, the reason is probably because Tao Mu is originally the essence of Wumi, pure yang, and has a strong energy. That's why the Taoist script was listed in front of the lightning jujube. It is just that we generally listen to a lot of lightning jujube, and less wearing lightning strike peach wood.
    The effect of peach and wood:
    peach wood is dense and delicate, and the wood is fragrant. Because it is favored by the scholars and elegance, it is often carved into the sword of the literati. Or hang in the room to show its elegance. Peach woodcarvings occupy an extremely important position in Chinese folk art. At the same time, because of its crafts, it has the effect of praying for the evil town house, praying for blessings, and longevity. It is a rare auspicious item.
    Ti Muyi said that it was the exaggeration of the father's cane, symbolizing the light, and the main fire in the five elements. At the same time, the wood can make fire, and it is even more complemented by the people who are fired. Therefore, hanging peach wood jewelry in the home can play a good effect on the town house and help to protect the peace.

  2. Thunder and jujube wood, also known as "thunder and wood, wicked evil wood", is the supreme Shenmu in Taoist spells. Wanfa returns to the book of Zongzong and lists it as the first holy wood of the magic weapon. In Taoist Taoism practice, lightning mighty wood is often used as a tool for assistance to practice. Lightning strike jujube is the combination of the power of the heavens and the earth's yin and yang. In addition to the essence of the sun and the moon, there is the essence of the Beidou seven stars. Essence Especially after the baptism of lightning, all evil admirations are afraid of it. The word "jujube" is the homophonic of "early", that is, early showing the spiritual light, the early hair of the spirit, and its foundation is hard. In addition, the meaning of the special text and patterns means to urge the decree.

  3. Do you want to use "Thunder Wood" as a "shocking wood"? The most prestigious power of shocking wood is used with lightning wood. Taomu and Liumu Fengling ghosts are more useful. The people are not much to jujube.

  4. If a piece of wood can be safe, then no one is put on a piece, wouldn't there be no disaster in the world.

    The heart of the hearts of the heart, the heart is flat!

    The Amitabha Buddha

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