5 thoughts on “I found that the diamond ring I bought yesterday has scratches. Can I change it?”

  1. This depends on the specific merchant, because it was not carefully checked at that time, and it is unclear when the scratch occurred. The merchant should not replace it for free, but you should go with the purchase voucher and ask. Next time, you should look at it yourself. It's normal that there are scratches on the ring. Gold is soft. Why should we replace it? Just polish it directly. The most important thing is to wear and maintain it smoothly. Don't touch hard things or place it with other jewelry. If diamonds have scratches, the problem is very serious, because diamonds are the hardest natural substances in the world, and it is generally difficult to leave traces on them. If you find scratches on the diamond, you have to doubt whether your stone is a diamond. If in doubt, you can take it to the local jewelry appraisal center for re inspection. Or take the invoice to the local industry and Commerce Department for re inspection, so as to safeguard rights in the future
    if the metal body of the ring has scratches, this is very normal. Gold is relatively soft, especially pure gold, that is, 24K. In this case, take it to the shop and let them polish it. However, general small wear marks are not necessary and cannot be avoided.

  2. You can take it to the after-sales service department to deal with the maintenance of platinum jewelry
    store platinum jewelry separately in a jewelry box or a suede bag to prevent scratches on other jewelry
    please do not wear platinum jewelry when doing household cleaning, gardening and other types of heavy work or physical activities. When wearing platinum jewelry, please do not touch bleaching or irritating chemicals. Although they do not harm platinum, chemicals can discolor diamonds or precious stones
    regularly clean platinum jewelry, use jewelry detergent sold in the market, or immerse it in a solution of soap and warm water, and then gently wipe it with a soft cloth. For the platinum jewelry inlaid with precious stones, it needs to be cleaned every six months
    if there are visible scratches or natural oxide layers on the platinum surface, please take the platinum jewelry to a qualified jeweler for polishing. The scratches on platinum are only metal displacement, and its volume will not decrease
    Jewelry should be adjusted, sized, polished and cleaned by qualified jewelers. Ensure that the jeweler has trained platinum fitters.

  3. It's normal that there are scratches on the ring. Gold is soft. Why should we replace it? Just polish it directly. The most important thing is to wear and maintain it smoothly. Don't touch hard things or place it with other jewelry
    most jewelry stores have a warranty, and high-value items can be taken back for warranty. 18K platinum is indeed very hard, but pure platinum is not very hard.
    maintenance of platinum jewelry
    platinum jewelry is stored separately in jewelry boxes or suede bags to prevent scratches on other jewelry
    please do not wear platinum jewelry when doing household cleaning, gardening and other types of heavy work or physical activities. When wearing platinum jewelry, please do not touch bleaching or irritating chemicals. Although they do not harm platinum, chemicals can discolor diamonds or precious stones
    regularly clean platinum jewelry, use jewelry detergent sold in the market, or immerse it in a solution of soap and warm water, and then gently wipe it with a soft cloth. For the platinum jewelry inlaid with precious stones, it needs to be cleaned every six months
    if there are visible scratches or natural oxide layers on the platinum surface, please take the platinum jewelry to a qualified jeweler for polishing. The scratches on platinum are only metal displacement, and its volume will not decrease
    Jewelry should be adjusted, sized, polished and cleaned by qualified jewelers. Ensure that the jeweler has trained platinum fitters.

  4. It's normal that there are scratches on the ring. Gold is soft. Why should we replace it? Just polish it directly. The most important thing is to wear and maintain it smoothly. Don't touch hard things or place it with other jewelry
    if the negotiation fails, immediately complain to the consumer association or bring a lawsuit to the court to terminate the contract by fraud. Article 113 of the contract law of the people's Republic of China stipulates that if one party fails to perform its contractual obligations or fails to perform its contractual obligations in accordance with the agreement, causing losses to the other party, the amount of compensation for losses shall be equal to the losses caused by breach of contract, including the benefits that can be obtained after the contract is performed, However, it shall not exceed the possible losses caused by the breach of contract that the breaching party had foreseen or should have foreseen at the time of conclusion of the contract. If a business operator commits fraud in providing goods or services to consumers, it shall be liable for damages in accordance with the provisions of the law of the people's Republic of China on the protection of consumer rights and interests.

  5. This depends on the specific merchant, because it was not carefully checked at that time, and it is unclear when the scratch occurred. The merchant should not replace it for free, but you should go with the purchase voucher and ask. Next time, you should look at it yourself. It's normal that there are scratches on the ring. Gold is soft. Why should we replace it? Just polish it directly. The most important thing is to wear and maintain it smoothly. Don't touch hard things or place it with other jewelry.

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