5 thoughts on “How to identify the authenticity of gold jewelry?”

  1. first, check the hardness of gold and the data certificate of gold.
    generally, we know that the purity of gold is indicated by the number of K. generally speaking, 24K is pure gold. The lower the number in the future, the less the purity. If you see that the gold jewelry certificate does not indicate or the number of such gold is not printed on the gold when you buy jewelry, it generally means that it has not passed the market inspection, and its purity may be subject to certain doubt. In addition, gold is an inert metal, It is not as hard as other metals. Gold is generally soft. If we pinch it with our hands or break it, it will be deformed. This kind of soft gold has higher purity. If it is harder, it is alloy gold mixed with other metals. Gold is measured in grams. If it is found that the gold is obviously heavy and not solid jewelry, it is likely to be fake gold

    secondly, real gold is not afraid of fire and other methods can be used
    gold is a highly dense and inactive metal. If you burn it with fire, you can see whether the color of gold will change. If it does, it proves that other active metals are mixed in the gold jewelry. Of course, you can also see whether there is black hair on the edge. If so, it proves that this kind of gold cannot be purchased
    finally, there is no need to be afraid of retaining evidence of gold jewelry after sales.
    many people may encounter this kind of situation. At the beginning, the store said that there were preferential policies such as warranty and free replacement. But when the gold jewelry is required to be cleaned or replaced for free when the color decays, the store has always refused to admit it. At this time, we should keep good evidence and ask the store to directly mark or write on the purchase voucher before buying, so as to prevent it from not being sold later. If we buy fake jewelry tonight, We must call the consumer complaint hotline, keep the relevant evidence, and directly confront the shop owner face to face to avoid such vicious merchants from harming consumers in the market

    if there is any omission, please add

  2. The following six methods can be used to identify the weight of gold jewelry (and for reference)

    the specific gravity of gold is 19.3, which is heavier than silver, copper, lead, zinc, aluminum and other metals. If you put the same volume on the palm of your hand for weighing, if you can't feel the falling hand but float lightly, you should be vigilant and beware of being cheated

    by visual inspection, the color of gold has the red yellow luster of male eyes. The higher the color, the more beautiful the color feeling. As the saying goes, "seven green, eight yellow and nine five red", other general metals will be eclipsed

    check the hardness. Gold itself is soft. Gold jewelry is soft when it is high in fineness, and hard when it is low in fineness and contains more silver and copper. Therefore, it is also a way to understand the approximate fineness by bending the hardness

    check the sound and rhyme. When the gold jewelry falls about a foot away from the table top, the gold with fineness of more than 99% will only make a "rattling" sound. There is no rhyme and no elasticity, and the sound and dust rhyme is long and elastic, which means that the gold contains more copper and other metals, and the fineness is not good.

    fire burning method: yellow gold is resistant to high temperature, and the melting point is 1063.43c. Therefore, as the saying goes, "real gold is not afraid of fire". Second, put the gold jewelry on charcoal and burn it red after it is cooled, If the surface of the ornament is still yellow, it is real gold. If it turns black, it is fake gold

    suck with a magnet. If there are impurities in the gold jewelry, you can suck with a magnet, but gold with high purity cannot

  3. There are six methods to test the authenticity of gold:

    1. Visual inspection
    1. Check the official signs of gold. It is generally engraved with 999 or 990, or 10K, 18K, 22K, 24K. Do not consider below 10K because the content of gold is too low. If you use a magnifying glass, you will see it more carefully
    2. Ancient gold jewelry will not have obvious official purity marks
    3. Of course, fake gold ornaments also have official marks, so further inspection is required
    4. Look for obvious discoloration. Check the wear area of the gold surface, usually at the edge of the gold product, and check the discoloration. If the gold color gradually disappears and becomes another color, the product is only a gold plating

    2. Bromine chemical test
    1. Put the gold product into the alcohol solution and shake it for a while
    2. Soak a piece of filter paper with alcohol solution
    3. At this time, the filter paper turns gray purple
    4. Drop 4 drops of bromine-a reagent onto the filter paper. If the filter paper turns white, the gold product is real gold
    the total test time is 20 minutes

    III. magnet test
    this is a simple test, but it is not a sufficient proof to prove whether it is genuine gold. You can find a strong magnet to do the test
    gold is not a magnetic metal. If the product is attracted by a magnet, it is enough to prove that the product is not gold. However, just because the product does not react to the magnet can not prove that it is gold, because there are many non-magnetic metals

    IV. density test: only a few metals have a density higher than that of gold. The density of pure 24K gold is about 19.3 g / ml, which is much higher than other metals. The density test is enough to prove that the product is gold. The higher the density, the higher the purity of gold. Please make sure that there are no gems attached to the product
    1. If there is no equipment in this area, jewelry stores can usually do density tests for me
    2. You can put the gold product into a container filled with water, then test the volume of the overflowing water, and then divide it by the weight of the product, which is the density of the gold product. Remember, different gold purity has different proportion of g / ml: 14k – 12.9 ~ 14.6 g / ml 18K gold - 15.2 ~ 15.9 g / ml 18K platinum - 14.7 ~ 16.9 g / ml 22K - 17.7% to 17.8 g / ml

    v. bite test
    miners bite gold to test it. Olympic athletes will bite the "gold" medal when they win the gold medal. How simple is this test
    1. Take a bite
    2. Check the bite marks. If the bite marks are deeper, the purity of gold will be higher
    in fact, this is not a recommended test, which will damage the teeth. What's more, gold will be plated with lead, which is softer

    VI. ceramic scratch test method
    1. Use unglazed ceramics. If you don't have this, you can buy it from a ceramic shop
    2. Mark the gold product with ceramic. If it is a black scratch, it means that the product is not gold. If it is a gold scratch, it means that the product is gold.

  4. 1. Identify the manufacturer and quality. The manufacturer and alloy purity (fineness) shall be printed on the surface of gold jewelry, and the words shall be clear. For example, the pure gold jewelry produced by Beijing jewelry factory is printed with the words "Beijing E full gold". If there is no mark on the jewelry or the mark is ambiguous, the authenticity of the gold jewelry should be suspected. 2. Check the color and hardness. Gold should have a dazzling red and yellow color. The higher the fineness, the more beautiful the color. Therefore, people often say "seven green, eight yellow and nine five red". The so-called gold jewelry falsely called other metals can be identified from the color. Gold has low hardness and is relatively soft. If you scratch it with a knife or bite it with your teeth, there will be traces. Other metals do not have this feature. Moreover, the higher the fineness of gold jewelry, the softer it is. You can check its fineness by bending. If the fineness is low and there are more silver and copper in it, it is not easy to bend. This method can be used to identify whether the first jewelry is shoddy. 3. Compare the weights. The specific gravity of gold is 19.3, higher than that of silver, copper, aluminum, tin and other metals. Gold of the same volume is 40% heavier than silver, 1.2 times heavier than copper and 6.1 times heavier than aluminum. By comparing the weight, we can also identify whether other metals are counterfeit gold jewelry. 4. Listen to the voice and identify the components. If the jewelry falls naturally from a high place, if it only makes a sound of "rattling", and there is no rhyme and no elasticity, it is gold with a purity of 990 ‰. If the sound is long and elastic, it means that the quality is not high, and the jewelry contains more copper and other metal components. 5. Nitric acid can distinguish the authenticity of gold. Put the jewelry in nitric acid, if it is gold, it will be safe and will not change; If it is copper, it will emit green smoke. 6. Taste to identify the authenticity. Put the jewelry in your mouth, lick it with your tongue for a while, and then smoke. If there is no odor, it is gold; If there is a taste of sweet silk, it means it is copper. 7. Fire can distinguish the true from the false. "Real gold is not afraid to be refined by fire". If the jewelry is still yellow and does not deform after being cooled by high-temperature fire, it is gold; If it turns black, it is not real gold. It is a fake product made of other metals.

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