2 thoughts on “How to identify the authenticity of gold jewelry”

  1. First, you can taste the water to test the specific gravity, prepare a high glass, fill it with water, and throw the metal into it. The pure gold jewelry will soon sink to the bottom. Imitation gold and other metals may float above the bottom, or even completely above the water. In addition, real gold does not rust or discolor when wet

    when tested with a magnet, real gold can never attract a magnet. The magnet is easy to carry, you can put it in your pocket at will, and it is convenient to test. There are many imitation gold and other alloys that attract magnets. Therefore, it is only necessary to approach them with a magnet to see if they will be attracted by the magnet

    to test with ceramics, first prepare a ceramic plate that has not been glazed, then put the metal on it and apply a little pressure to see if there is gold on the ceramic. Some cases are true, and if there is black, it is false

    fire detection method: real gold is not afraid of fire. Real gold will become bright after being heated and will not change color after cooling

  2. Look at the color
    according to the different luster and color of gold, you can roughly distinguish pure gold, K gold, real gold and fake gold. That is, the best gold is red yellow, and the fineness is above 95%; The fineness of positive yellow is about 80%; The fineness of cyan and yellow is about 70%; The yellow is slightly gray, and the fineness is about 50%. Therefore, there is a saying "seven green, eight yellow, nine five red, yellow and white with gray and half gold". For jewelry that has been stored for a long time, there is a saying that "copper turns green, silver turns black, and gold never changes color"

    the specific gravity of gold is 19.3, which is higher than that of other metals. The weight of gold with the same volume is 1.8 times that of silver and 2.2 times that of copper. Therefore, the real gold should feel heavy in the hand, while the fake gold should feel lighter

    listen to the rhyme
    when gold jewelry with high quality is knocked or thrown on the hard ground, it will make a dull low sound of "pop, pop", without rhyme and elasticity. K gold has rhyme, sound and elasticity. The greater the elasticity and the sharper the rhyme, the longer the jewelry, the worse the quality

    hardness test
    the higher the gold content of jewelry, the softer it is. It is easy to bend by hand, with good toughness and not easy to break. When it is scratched with a hard object, it will leave a clear scratch; The lower the gold content is, the harder it is. It needs more strength to bend and it is easy to break. When it is carved with hard things, the scratch is not obvious

    look at the density
    the density of gold is 19.32g/cm3, which is about twice the weight of silver, lead and tin in the same volume. Available formula: the mass (g) of a certain gold jewelry is equal to the volume (cubic centimeter) of a certain gold jewelry. Calculate the density of the measured gold jewelry. If the density is about 19.32g/cm3, it is pure gold or relatively pure gold. Otherwise, it is non pure gold or gold with color difference (this method is not destructive to jewelry).

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