4 thoughts on “How can I recognize the true and false of gold”

  1. You can refer to the following points to identify the authenticity of gold:
    1, see the color
    The different luster and color of the gold can be generally distinguished from pure gold, K gold, real gold, fake gold. That is, gold is better yellow (yellow -red), and the color is more than 95%; the positive yellow color is about 80%; the blue and yellow color is about 70%; the yellow color is slightly gray and the color is about 50%. Therefore, there is a formula for "seven green eight yellow, yellow nine five red, yellow leucorrhea ash pairs of gold". For long -term gold jewelry, there will be a saying that "copper turns green, silver turns black, and gold will never change color".
    2, 量 weight
    D gold weight is about double the same volume of silver, lead, and tin. True gold has a feeling of falling on the hand, while copper or others only have a sense of heavyness without falling.
    3, listening to the sound
    When the high -quality gold jewelry is knocked out or threw it hard, the dull and low sound of "click, click", there is no rhyme or elasticity, and K gold has sound charm. , Sound, elasticity, the greater the elasticity, the more the rhyme, the more the elderly, the worse the color. The fake or low golden sound is crispy but no dullness. Generally, the sound of "Dangdang" is emitted, and there are surplus sounds.
    4, folding hardness
    has a high color gold, and traces can be left with large head needles or nails. More than 97%of the gold jewelry, after two or three times, wrinkles appeared at the bend, also called fish scales; about 95%of gold jewelry, it feels hard when bending, and the fish scales are not obvious; The jewelry is very hard when the bending is bent, and there is no fish scale pattern; the gold jewelry containing more impurities, the bend is twice or three times to break; When using this method, the width and thickness of the jewelry should be considered. The thick and width should be hardened, and the thin and narrow ones are softer.
    5. Use the test gold stone to identify the color
    Procketing the golden jewelry on the test gold stone by using the determined gold and the test jewelry to determine the color of the gold jewelry through the contrast color. This method should be carried out under natural light and sunlight, and cannot be carried out under the direct sunlight and incandescent lamps.
    This in the past often used testing gold stones to determine the general content of gold. Testing gold stones are a mixed black mineral such as quartz and protein -containing quartz, and the gold is drawn on the test stone to see the general shape of the gold. Pure gold: shiny dark yellow, thick yellow; silver -containing gold: light color transformed micro -band -inflammatory green; gold containing gold greater than 25%: earth white; copper gold: deeper color, red color tone; silver copper containing copper; Gold: yellow; gold containing zinc, same, nickel: white gold.
    6. Use acid dot
    The golden stones on the testing stone, respectively, the golden rods are used to test the nitric acid on the golden road with a glass stick. constant. If it is not gold or non -pure gold, the Golden Road disappears or changes. The law of changes is "three fast, three slows", that is, the low -quality disappearance is fast, and the high color disappears slowly; Depending on the disappearance of its golden road, comparative comparisons, you can determine the color of gold jewelry
    7, burning with fire
    Thenia will be identified to burn red (do not melt the jewelry). The original golden color is pure gold; if the color becomes darker or different degrees of black, it is not pure gold. Generally, the lower the color, the stronger the color, and the darkens are all, indicating that it is a fake gold jewelry. After burning red, it is quenched into the water, and the color remains unchanged. It really does not change color when it comes to fire.

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  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer gold can be distinguished through the following 3 points: 1. Look at the color, the real gold color has the saying of seven greens, eight, yellow, nine five red. The golden feel of gold is heavier, and the fake gold feel is lighter; 3. The hardness of the measurement, the real gold can use the nails to draw traces, and the fake gold texture is hard.nHope to help you

  4. How to identify the authenticity of gold: teach you three methods, have you learned

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